Parent Hub
Below you will find information on a range of topics relating to school life.
If your question is not answered below, or you need further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Short Absence (1-4 school days)
Parents are requested to notify absences through SEQTA Engage.
These notifications can be for current absences such as sick days or appointments or for future time off such as a family holiday (4 days max can be logged).
Click here for further details on how to log a reason/ permission for your child's absence.
Extended Absence (5 or more school days)
It is a government requirement that students taking extended leave from school, for 5 days or more, must apply for a Certificate of Exemption from Attendance at School.
The school offers families Student Accident Insurance for any injuries incurred. Students are covered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The policy has been designed to protect students worldwide for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year* (except where restricted by law) against Injury (as defined by the policy) – a physical injury caused by violent, external and visible means which occurs fortuitously whilst this insurance is in force and which results solely and directly and independently of any pre-existing conditions or other cause.
Benefits listed below in the schedule of events and compensation have been designed to protect students against a broad range of exposures and situations. An area that can sometimes cause some confusion relates to the non-Medicare medical expenses item.
Please note in relation to non-Medicare medical and dental expenses:
- Health Insurance Act (Cth) 1973 prevents insurers from paying medical expenses which are subject to a full or partial rebate from Medicare, including the Medicare gap. All Medicare items will be identified by an Item number. Medicare expenses should not be submitted as part of your claim.
- Before returning the completed claim form with attachments all non-Medicare medical expenses and invoices must be presented to your private health fund or other applicable insurance (registered club or association) before you present the invoices to the student accident insurer, BHSI.
Legislation (Private Health Insurance Act 2007) means that insurers can only pay non-Medicare medical expenses (including dental expenses) resulting from injuries to students who are:
- Taking part in organised sporting and official youth activities
- Participating in organised/supervised school activities
To proceed with a claim, please complete the form below and return it to the Administration Office.
Primary Campus
The school day runs from 8:35 am through to 2:45 pm.
The school day runs from 8:35 am through to 3:00 pm.
Click here for detailed bell times for each campus.
As a service to our community, we maintain a business directory. The directory lists businesses owned and services offered by alumni plus past and current families.
Click here to view the Business Directory.
To list your business or service, please contact the Marketing & Communications Department.
ICT (Information and Communications Technology) is used as a tool for learning to allow all students to become competent, discriminating, ethical, creative, and productive ICT users.
The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program has been developed to allow the school to pursue digital normalisation in education most efficiently and cost-effectively for parents/guardians and the school. BYOD involves personal ownership, allowing for greater engagement and efficient learning.
BYOD is not about the school being a laptop school. The intention is to provide teachers and students with additional tools to assist in teaching and learning. Lunchtime and recess remain device free, as face to face socialising is an important part of the holistic, educational environment. This program is not about replacing aspects of our education but rather enhancing teacher and student options.
Click here for further information on BYOD.
The canteen operates 5 days per week for breakfast as well as recess and lunch. Sandwiches, hot food, drinks and fruit are available. Orders for both Primary and Secondary students must be placed online through Munch Monitor website, where parents are able to order and prepay their child’s lunch up to a month in advance.
Credit card payments, including contactless card, Apple Pay, Android Pay and chip card, are available at the canteen. EFTPOS cards with a chip can also be used.
Click here for further details about the canteen including menus, registering to Munch Monitor, online ordering and opening times.
Chapels are held in the Naomi Frew Memorial Hall every Monday afternoon for Primary and Tuesday morning for Secondary School during the school term. Parents are welcome to attend these programs.
Click here for chapel times.
It’s essential that we have your current contact information.
If you’ve recently changed your email, mobile number, or address, please update your details as soon as possible.
Updating contact information is done through Consent2Go.
Click here to make any necessary changes.
The best way to make contact with teachers is via email or using the SEQTA Engage and SEQTA Learn portals.
Teaching staff are happy to talk to parents regarding their children’s progress but are unable to be contacted during class time. A suitable time can be arranged if there are issues that you need to discuss.
Parent/Teacher Interview events provide a regular, formal opportunity for communication during the year.
Parents are to give a minimum of one terms notice in writing of their intention to withdraw their child. A letter or email should be forwarded to the Principal advising them of your child’s de-registration.
All students leaving the school permanently must complete a Deregistration Checklist on their final day of school.
Financial penalties do apply for inadequate notice – please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment or contact the Business Office for further information. Deregistration forms are available from the Administration Office. Textbooks must be returned and school fees paid in full by the final day of enrolment.
School Fees are available on our website. There, you can also access a fee calculator, which provides an estimate of fees, including sibling discounts (other discounts are not included).
School fee statements are sent at the beginning of each year.
You can access your school accounts on the Finance Portal in Seqta Engage.
If you have any questions or need any help, please contact our Finance Team at 4367 1818.
Click here to learn more about the payment options available.
If you have any questions or need any help, please contact our Finance Team at 4367 1818.
Our House System is organised into three groups, named after Australian sporting heroes.
- Bradman RED
- Jackson GREEN
- Newcombe BLUE
Students will be placed in a House group when enrolled. Students in the same family will be allocated into the same House.
Click here for further details about School Houses.
From time to time, you will hear about sporting events for HRIS. HRIS stands for “Hunter Region Independent Schools” and is a part of the Independent Schools Association.
In the Hunter Region, there are approximately 17 independent primary and secondary schools that meet throughout the year to compete in various sports (e.g. swimming, athletics, cross country, basketball, soccer, netball, etc.). Inter-school competition starts in Year 2 or for students who are 8 years and over.
Tryouts for team events will take place throughout the year, and training usually takes place during school lunchtimes or before or after school. Top place-getters from our Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country events will be sent to represent our school at these gala days – most of which are held in the Newcastle area. Successful students will then go onto represent the Hunter Region at the Combined Independent School events.
Students who excel in this area can progress through this system and go on to NSW state teams and National levels.
In the past few years, we have had some students reach State and National levels across various sports.
Primary School
Primary students should to the Primary Administration Office. Parents will be contacted to come and collect students if necessary.
Secondary School
If a secondary student feels unwell they should first visit the Secondary Administration Office and, if necessary they may be sent to sickbay in the main Administration Office. Parents will be contacted to come and collect students if necessary.
Accidents & Emergencies
In the case of an accident, students will have their parents contacted and be given first aid if necessary. In cases of emergency where an ambulance is called students will be accompanied by a staff member to the hospital while parents are being contacted.
Primary School
Primary students who arrive late are to obtain a late pass from the Primary School Office and then proceed to their class
Secondary School
Secondary students who arrive late to school are requested to go to the Secondary School Office to obtain a late pass, which is then handed to their class teacher.
A note of explanation from parents is required for all students who arrive at school late. Secondary students who are late and do not bring in a note from their parents the next day will be issued a detention.
Current medical information regarding your child is essential.
Accidents can happen at school, and so that we can give your child the appropriate first aid, we require that this is updated regularly via our Consent2Go portal. This information is treated as confidential and is only used in cases of emergency.
Click here to update medical information for your child/ren.
Primary Students
Students are permitted to bring a mobile phone to school, but they are not permitted to use it whilst they are at school. The phone should remain in their school bag or be given to the class teacher for safekeeping.
If a phone or other device is used at school, the teacher may confiscate the device and give it to the Head of Primary.
Technology including mobile phones, iPods, iPads, tablets and other such devices are not permitted on excursions or overnight camps in Primary School. If your child wishes to bring a camera for photographs, it must be a digital camera only. Staff take photos on excursions, carnivals, etc. and will make these available to parents.
Secondary Students
Mobile phones and portable devices must be switched off and store their phones in their locked lockers for the remainder of the day. Phones can be used again after 3:00 pm when school ends. Students who use their phone or device during class will have them confiscated for the day.
Please do not call or text students directly; contact CCAS High School Reception on 4367 1872 if they wish to send a message to your child.
Click here to check the full Mobile Phone Policy.
At CCAS, we believe that Music is an important component of learning. From Kindergarten to Year 8, students will have classes delivered by specialist Music teachers. The subject is also a choice in Years 9 to 12 as part of HSC courses.
We also offer a range of extra-curricular musical activities across both High School and Primary School campuses. Our Music Department can help to coordinate private tuition for students who wish to learn piano, guitar, bass, drums, violin, brass instruments and singing.
Click here for more information on our Music and Choir programs.
Administration Office hours are 8:30 am - 4:00 pm from Monday to Friday.
During school holidays, the Administration Office is open for limited hours. The school is closed between Christmas and New Year and is also on public holidays.
Please check the school calendar for details.
The top car park adjacent to the Administration Office has parking spaces reserved for parents and guests, including some accessible spaces. Please do not park in front of parked cars. Parents may also use the other available places in the lower car park.
We ask that parents do not park and call their children over to them in front of moving traffic.
Pixevety is a consent-driven photo management system that safely collects, organises, protects and shares images with our school community. It allows you to search, view and download photos of your child’s journey at CCAS.
The school uses this system to manage Image Usage Permissions and share photos with the CCAS community.
Image Usage Permissions should be reviewed annually; however, they can be updated at any time to reflect your preferences.
Click here for further details on accessing Pixevety and updating image use permission.
Central Coast Adventist School promotes a healthy lifestyle, and incorporated into this is the school’s wish to promote the desire of our students to participate in competitive sports. Where students progress through these representative levels, the school wishes to acknowledge their effort and assist in the costs that are incurred by families. This assistance is for students following the School Representative Pathways.
Please contact the Business Office for further information.
It is a government requirement that all students have listed a primary place of residence.
Where parents share custody of students they must work out and agree which is their child’s primary place of residence and inform the Administration Office in writing. This is where any correspondence or contact will be directed to first. However, the school will do their best to keep both parents informed of issues or events as best as we can.
Both parents should provide their home and postal addresses and email addresses.
Parents are encouraged to regularly read the school newsletter and check their SEQTA Engage portal.
Our Learning Management System (LMS) coordinates many aspects of the school program.
The LMS portal for parents (Engage) and students (Learn) increases communication and transparency with what is happening at school. The portal aims to keep parents and students up to date with the following information:
- Achievements for tests and assessments
- Attendance
- Archive of past and current reports
- Access to important school and subject documents
- General information about what your child is doing on a daily basis (eg. Geometry/Angles in Mathematics)
- Homework that has been set by each subject
- The issue and submission of assignments
- Wellbeing and Pastoral Care information
Click here for further information about SEQTA for parents and students.
Materials and resources that are required by students are usually provided by the school.
Click here to check what, if anything, you will need to provide for your child/ren.
Term dates are published in the school calendar.
Click here for term dates.
Local bus companies, Red Bus and Busways, provide transport for students across the Central Coast.
The school operate a Kiss 'n' Drop Zone for student drop-off and pick-up.
Click here for further details about transport and school travel including Kiss 'n' Drop Zones.
All students are to be in the correct uniform at all times. School uniform should always be clean, neat and tidy.
Click here for further details about uniform and the Uniform Shop.
All visitors to the campus are required to report to the school Administration Office to sign in.
Students are not permitted visitors (eg. past students or students from other schools).
Any parents who assist with activities relating to school, either on or off the campus, are required by law to complete a Working with Children Check. This is done through Service NSW.
Click here to apply for a WWCC.