Conditions of Enrolment
1. Acceptance of Offer of Enrolment
1.1 An offer of enrolment must be accepted by both Parent/carer(s) where appropriate unless the School agrees to waive this requirement. Upon acceptance all signatories to the terms and conditions will be jointly and severally liable in respect of the obligations contained in these terms and conditions.
1.2 The acceptance of the offer must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $300 per child or $500 per family.
1.3 If Parent/carer(s) wish to defer the entry of a student to a different calendar year to the initial request, the School will advise whether it is able to agree to this. If it is unable to agree, the Student will be placed on a waiting list for the requested year but enrolment cannot be guaranteed.
1.4 Enrolment is dependent on the School receiving the first term’s fees in the year of entry prior to the start of the term, or such shorter time agreed in writing by the School. If the fees are not received by the due date the enrolment will lapse.
2. Conditional Enrolment
2.1 All enrolments are conditional upon the School being satisfied in its discretion that the Student’s needs can be met by the School. The School may cancel the enrolment if it determines prior to the start of the enrolment that the Student’s needs cannot be met.
2.2 The School may require Parent/carer(s) to provide reports and assessments necessary to determine the particular needs of the Student.
2.3 Competence in English is a prerequisite for enrolment. If the School considers that the English language capabilities of the Student are not sufficient it may require the Student to undergo an intensive English language course. If the required language level is not reached the School may decide that the enrolment should be cancelled.
3. Progress of Student
If the School considers that the progress of a Student is unsatisfactory and that it can no longer meet the Student’s needs it may cancel the enrolment of the Student by giving not less than one term’s notice.
4. Fees and Charges
4.1 The School Council determines the fees and charges that will be payable from time to time which are set out in a Schedule of Fees. The fees are revised regularly and may be amended each year.
4.2 Fees and Charges are also levied for co-curricular activities, elective subjects and sport.
4.3 The School may also incur expenditure for the Student’s needs on behalf of the parent/carer(s) as it reasonably considers necessary, which may be added to the parent/carer(s)’s school account.
4.4 All medical expenses incurred on behalf of a Student must be reimbursed by the parent/carer(s).
4.5 All Fees and Charges must be paid on or before the due date set out in the fees notice.
4.6 If fees are not paid within 30 days of the due date an overdue charge may be levied calculated on the amount outstanding from the due date. This charge reflects the loss which may be incurred by the School as a result of the late payment. The charges payable from time to time can be obtained from the School office.
4.7 If Fees and Charges are not paid within 60 days of the due date the enrolment of the Student may be suspended unless there is an agreement in writing to accept other arrangements. Failure to abide by any other agreed arrangements may result in the enrolment of the Student being cancelled. Where the debt is referred for debt collection, the costs of such will be consolidated with the debt.
4.8 Fees will not be remitted in whole or part if the Student is absent due to illness, leave or suspension.
4.9 If students are undertaking activities which incur extra fees or charges, not less than six (6) weeks’ notice must be given to discontinue these activities or six (6) weeks’ fees for these activities will be charged.
5. Withdrawal of Students
5.1 Where students leave to enrol at another school, the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) requires that parent/carer(s) advise the School in writing of the name of the school the Student will be attending and the grade the Student will be entering at the new school.
5.2 If parent/carer(s) wish to withdraw a Student from the School, notice given must be not less than one full term’s notice to expire at the end of a term.
5.3 If the required notice of withdrawal of a Student is not given the parent/carer(s) may pay a School term’s fees plus GST.
6. Obligations of Students
Students are required to have high standards of behaviour and:
6.1 abide by the School Rules and Codes of Conduct as they apply from time-to-time
6.2 behave courteously and considerately to each other and to staff at all times
6.3 not do anything which may bring the School into disrepute, including in print and electronic media
6.4 support the goals and values of the School
6.5 attend and, if required, participate in assemblies, the School sports program, important school events such as Speech Day or other events determined by the Principal, and camps and excursions that are an integral part of the School curriculum
6.6 wear the School uniform as prescribed including when travelling to and from school and follow conventional standards of appearance while at school in accordance with the School’s guidelines and the expectation of the School community
6.7 attend the School during school hours, except in the case of sickness or where leave has been given or an exemption from attendance has been granted.
7. Obligations of Parent/Carer(s)
The parent/carer(s):
7.1 must accept and abide by the requirements and directions of the Principal and School relating to the Student or students generally and not interfere in any way with conduct, management and administration of the School,
7.2 are required to support the goals, values and activities of the School.
The Parent/carer(s) must promptly advise the School:
7.3 in writing of any change of home, mailing, email address or contact details or other information on the Enrolment Application Form. Offers of enrolment may be cancelled if the School loses contact with the parent or mail is returned
7.4 if the Student is absent from the School due to ill health or other reason
7.5 in writing of any orders or arrangements that affect the Student concerning custody or access, any change to them or any other orders or arrangements which were relevant to the Student’s education and welfare and provide copies of any orders to the School.
The Parent/carer(s) also:
7.6 must ensure the Student has each item of officially required uniform, clean and in good repair, and all other requirements such as textbooks and stationery,
7.7 should communicate with students, parent/carer(s), visitors and staff members in a courteous manner, and follow the communication guidelines laid down by the School from time-to-time
7.8 should use their reasonable endeavours to attend parent-teacher interviews and parent information sessions offered by the School which are relevant to the Student’s education
7.9 must not use social media to denigrate the School, staff, students or other members of the School community
8. Health and Safety
8.1. Parent/carer(s) must advise the School immediately if they become aware of any special needs that the Student may have including, but not limited to, any medical, physical, psychological needs, or any changes to these needs
8.2. Parent/carer(s) must complete and return to the School the required health form for the Student prior to the Student commencing at the School and provide updates if circumstances change or as required by the School from time to time.
8.3. If the Student is ill or injured, requiring urgent hospital and/or medical treatment and parent/carer(s) are not readily available to authorise such treatment, the Principal or, in the Principal’s absence, a senior staff member of the School, may give the necessary authority for such treatment. The parent/carer(s) indemnify the School, its employees and agents in respect of all costs and expenses arising directly or indirectly out of such treatment.
8.4. Parent/carer(s) must observe School security procedures for the protection of students
8.5. Students are responsible for their personal property and the School does not accept any responsibility for the loss of their belongings
8.6. The Principal or the Principal’s nominee may search the Student’s bag, locker or other possessions where there are reasonable grounds to do so, in order to maintain a safe environment for all students, this will be conducted where practical in the presence of the student.
9. Programs and Activities
9.1. The School determines the educational and other programs and activities conducted at the School from time to time in its absolute discretion.
9.2. The School may change its programs and activities and the content of these programs and activities without notice.
9.3. The Student will be required to participate in all compulsory activities including excursions, camps and outdoor education unless the Principal agrees otherwise. Charges may be levied for these activities and will be payable unless the Student is unable to attend due to ill health or other reason where it is impossible for the Student to attend.
10. Reports
The School will send academic reports to the address or addresses notified by the Parent/carer(s). Where Parent/carer(s) do not live together, reports will be sent to both Parent/carer(s) unless there is an Order of the Court or an agreement that the reports will only be sent to one Parent.
11. Leave
If the Parent/carer(s) wish to seek leave for the Student not to attend any School academic or co-curricular program or activity during a term, they must seek approval from the School.
Suspension & Termination of Enrolment
12.1. The School may suspend or terminate the enrolment of a student, either temporarily or permanently at any time for reasons which may include, but are not limited to:
a) a serious breach of the School’s rules or Code of Conduct
b) conduct prejudicial to the reputation of the School or the well-being of its students or staff, and;
c) where the Principal believes that a mutually beneficial relationship of co-operation and trust between the School and the Parent/carer(s) has broken down to the extent that it adversely impacts on that relationship
12.2. The School will only exercise its powers under this clause to expel a student if it has provided the Student and their parent/guardian(s) with details of the conduct which may result in a decision to expel the Student and provided them with a reasonable opportunity to respond and where there has been procedural fairness.
12.3. The School may terminate the enrolment of the Student without notice if, either before or after the commencement of enrolment, the School finds the relevant particulars of the special needs of the Student have not been provided to the School or the particulars provided are materially incorrect or misleading.
13. Privacy
The Parent/guardian(s) acknowledge that they have read the School’s privacy policy.
14. Amendment of Terms and Conditions
The School may alter the terms and conditions of enrolment at any time by giving not less than two (2) term’s notice to the Parent/guardian(s) in writing which shall apply to both current and future students and parent/guardian(s) from the date specified in the notice.
15. Definitions
In the terms and conditions:
Parent means the parent/guardian(s) who entered into the contract of enrolment with the School
School means the Central Coast Adventist School
Student means the student who is named in the contract of enrolment
Updated 20 October, 2020