Tuition fees are set for the following year in Term 4 of the previous year and are available for you to view via the links above. The Business Office will issue fee accounts at the start of each year. A range of flexible payment options are available.
Prompt Payment
A discount is available on the tuition component of the school fees for families who wish to pay in advance for the full year.
Discounts are available for multiple children from the same family being enrolled concurrently.
Please see the fee schedules for Pre Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary School for the details.
Operating costs of the school are met through a combination of the fees charged to families, State and Commonwealth recurrent grants and contributions from the Adventist churches on the Central Coast.
The school has a Building and Maintenance Fund which is to support the continued development of the campus. Donations that are made to this fund are 100% tax deductible. If you would like to make a donations please contact the Business Manager for further details.
The School Council makes provision for fee assistance to families in genuine financial need. Applications can be made to the Business Manager.
Applications for Fee Assistance can only be made by currently enrolled families.